Follow our journey renovating two houses in the Charente to turn into both a home and a B&B and gites.
Saturday, 20 June 2015
Roof over terrace renovated
Now work inside has finished (well in the public bits anyway) our thoughts have turned to the garden. Phil has made a fantastic gate for the end of the path that comes out by the church. We had to get the handle in the UK as we couldn't find anything here. I brought it back in my hand luggage and when going through the scanner it was queries. It did look a bit like a set of handcuffs!
New gate
The roof over the covered terrace was more like a garden and we had numerous leaks so Phil started cleaning and replacing tiles. We had some left over from the roof on the second house. Really hard work and the second and third day our friend Rob came and did wondrous things with walking boards and a little more agility. Yesterday the final tile was laid. Huge thanks to John and Helen at l'Etoile d'Or who had some spare tiles they let us have when we ran out. And for those who like the recycling aspect of our project Rob has now got some great hardcore for a barn floor he is going to be levelling. Next job - Terrace in garden for breakfast and planting.
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